IT’S A JOURNEY! Book Launch by Treat It Queer
Date: Friday, 14th March 2025
Time: 17.15 – 19.00 CET
Location: KIT Institute, Amsterdam
Cost: Free [confirmed registration mandatory]
Sign up now via the event registration form
We invite you to attend the launch of “It’s a Journey: A Graphic Medicine Exploration of Endometriosis and Gender Diversity,“ an innovative graphic novel that merges personal narratives, medical insights, and research. Authors Asiel and Dr. Maddalena Giacomozzi, along with scientific supervisor Prof. Dr. Annemiek Nap, will present the book and engage in a discussion regarding its significance in advancing research, policy and practice related to endometriosis and gender diversity. Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity for a Q&A session with the authors and experts. A fansigning event will also take place, followed by a casual “borrel”.
This event is open to clinicians, researchers, policymakers, health advocates and individuals of all genders. Let us know if you are coming through the registration form!
“It’s a Journey. A Graphic Medicine Exploration of Endometriosis and Gender Diversity” is more than just a book or a research project. It is a graphic testimony from a community that comes together to share their stories—stories that are often unheard, and sometimes never told. In “It’s a Journey.” various elements intertwine: the biographical narrative of Colt and their life with endometriosis, testimonies from research involving trans and gender-diverse individuals with endometriosis, and useful medical information. Whether you are a clinician working in endometriosis or gender care, a researcher, a policymaker, or a health advocate, this book is for you.
17:15 - 17:30: Walk-in
17:30 - 18:00: Presentation of Knowledge Product "Frames of Resilience"
- Asiel (she/her), cartoonist, editor, scriptwriter and Founder of Spaghetti Publishing
- Dr. Maddalena Giacomozzi (they/them), MD, medical sexologist, Co-founder and President of Treat it Queer, PhD Candidate at RadboudUMC
- Prof. Annemiek Nap (she/her), MD, PhD, Professor in Reproductive Medicine and Head of Department Obstetrics and Gynaecology at RadboudUMC
18:00 - 18:15: Q&A with comic creators
18:15 - 19:00: Drinks and fansign!
Event Details:
- Organiser: Share-Net Netherlands and Treat it Queer
- Address: Reading Room, KIT Institute, Amsterdam
- Start Date: 2025-03-14
- End Date: 2025-03-14
- Time: 5:15 pm
Please register by March 6th:
- This is a limited capacity event. If all seats are filled, registrations may close earlier than 6th March.
- This is an in-person event only. Only register if you are able to come to Amsterdam for the conference.
- Share-Net Netherlands does not offer any sponsorship/reimbursement for travel and accommodation.
INVITATION Treat it Queer Book Launch 2025 Share-Net Netherlands